Is there anyone who hasn't shed a tear at the senseless violence that has happen in our country over the last few weeks? I doubt it.
At this time of year it seems we should all be rejoicing in the season rather than mourning lost lives. I propose a little something to help mend our hearts and return the focus to happiness. In honor of the children, I am going to try to do 20 random acts of kindness before the end of the month and I invite you to join me. If all of us try to counter evil with good there is no telling what kind of difference we can make, though I suspect the biggest difference will be within our own souls.
I still believe there is more good in this world than bad. Let's prove it.
4 years ago
I really like that idea and I think I am going to take your challenge!! We really need to find some time to get together while I am out of school!!