Monday, June 13, 2011

Reading, Is It A Lost Art?

     I have heard that reading is a lost hobby.  People don't read anymore, TV, ipods, laptops computer games and all the other tech stuff have taken the place of sitting down and reading a book.  I find that hard to believe.  Almost everyone I know is a reader, so either the people I associate with are really with it, or what I keep hearing is just wrong.  I happen to think it is the latter.
     The first reason I think this is false is because I get Goodreads updates from several of my friends.  In case you didn't know, Goodreads is sort of an online book club where you can list and rate the books you have read and are reading and an update is sent out to your friends and family.  You can also send out whats on your, to-be-read shelf.  Now, as for myself, I am not a member yet, but I have been giving it some thought. I do really enjoy getting the updates from my friends, you can tell a lot about what is going on in someones life by seeing what they are reading.
     The second reason I think this is wrong is two-fold. I read that when the economy is down people turn to reading as an escape.  Think about it, one book can entertain for a week or more if you are a slow reader.  Most of the folks I know can polish off a good book in a day or so, however many times you can go back and reread it later and enjoy it as much or more the second time.  I also have a friend that works at a well known chain book store and she told me that last Christmas they sold more gift cards than ever before.  If reading is becoming a lost art how can that be?
     The third reason I think this is incorrect is because of Amazon.  It is no secret I love Amazon, I even blogged about it a while ago.  Do you know what the best selling item is on Amazon?   It's the Kindle.  That is the Amazon e-reader.  I have one and I really like it, but the point is out of all the hundreds of thousands of items you can get on the Amazon site the Kindle is the number one selling item.  It is not cheap, but it is cheaper than some of the other e-readers.  I think the hubby paid about $150.00 when it was all said and done.  That's a lot of money.  Some e-readers cost more, I don't know of any that cost less, but the point is they are selling.  There are also apps. for e-reading for iphone, computers, tablets, ipads and other tech items.      How many movies are being made from books Twilight, Water for Elephants, all the comic books movies out now days.  Who is reading all this stuff if not us.  I think the way TV is going now days, more and more readers are being born.
     What are you reading right now?  I really want to know.  I am reading Tom Sawyer with my daughter.  And I have The Body Finder on my TBR shelf.  Leave a quick comment and let me know, or Facebook me.


  1. I'm reading "Shadowfever" by Karen Marie Moning. and I sit up in bed and prop up the entire 25lb hardback. I'm so tech behind I don't even have an e-reader! lol.

  2. The reader is in. My current reading is:
    Self-editing for Fiction Writers by Dave King and Renni Brown on my Kindle.
    Search by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens is on my bedside.
    Gypsy Legacy: The Duke by Denise Patrick is in my office.
    Scene and Structure by Jack Bickham is in my brief case.
    They are all current reading. When I finish in one of the areas, I replace it with the next book in my TBR. Don't ask me how I keep the different books straight, I have no idea and don't recommend to read this way. But it works for me. I do keep track on Goodreads and Shelfari. It's fun to see how much reading I get done in the year.

  3. I am reading Self-editing for Fiction Writers also. I too read several books at once. It just depends on my mood.

  4. I usually have two or three books going, plus my writing. Just finished Simone Elkeles YA Perfect Chemistry for the third time. A fav. The third and final installment in the trilogy of the brothers comes out in July. Also, read Victoria Dahl's Crazy for Love at the same time, which I loved. Almost finished with YA I Like Him, He Likes Her, which I'd recommend for any of you with daughters around 15-16. Younger read, but needed for voice and ended up loving it. My Kindle is in my purse at all times.
