Friday, July 8, 2011

Adventures at Cost Co

     We are taking a family trip to Cost Co today and I have to admit to mixed feelings.  While we enjoy strolling the aisles and seeing the huge selection of just down right fun stuff, when we get to the check stand, I cringe.  I have heard that some people call Cost Co the hundred dollar store because you can't leave without spending at least one hundred dollars.  For our family it is the two-hundred and fifty dollar store.  We just can't leave without the muffins, nuts and real whipping cream in a can and then there is the chicken salad. YUM.  And the meat department where you would swear that a whole cow just fell apart in the cooler, larger slabs of beef I have never seen.  And being carnivores we really appreciate this. 
     My husband also loves the food court at Cost Co. Not that the food is the star, he gets excited that he can feed the kids for $1.50 each.  Hot dog and soda comb. To him that is special. We do love the hand-dipped ice cream with nuts and have been known to eat them for lunch. Delish.
     Another guarentee that we will spend more than we should is that we will be taking along at least three, if not more, of our children. My married daughter and her three kids are coming and my daughter-in-law and her baby are also joining the fun.
     I wonder what Cost Co will think when all of us walk through the door.  Actually, I know what they are going to think because I think this every day, "How much longer until bedtime?!"

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